{# /** * @file * Template for the order receipt. * * Available variables: * - order_entity: The order entity. * - billing_information: The billing information. * - shipping_information: The shipping information. * - payment_method: The payment method. * - totals: An array of order totals values with the following keys: * - subtotal: The order subtotal price. * - adjustments: An array of adjustment totals: * - type: The adjustment type. * - label: The adjustment label. * - total: The adjustment total price. * - weight: The adjustment weight, taken from the adjustment type. * - total: The order total price. * * @ingroup themeable */ #}
{{ order_entity.getStore.label }}
{% for adjustment in totals.adjustments %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'Order Confirmation'|t }}
{{ 'Order #@number details:'|t({'@number': order_entity.getOrderNumber}) }}
{% block order_items %} {% for order_item in order_entity.getItems %} {% endfor %}
{{ order_item.getQuantity|number_format }} x {{ order_item.label }} {{ order_item.getTotalPrice|commerce_price_format }}
{% endblock %}
{% if (billing_information or shipping_information) %} {% if shipping_information %} {% endif %} {% if billing_information %} {% endif %} {% if shipping_information %} {% endif %} {% if billing_information %} {% endif %} {% if payment_method %} {% endif %}
{{ 'Shipping Information'|t }}{{ 'Billing Information'|t }}
{% block shipping_information %} {{ shipping_information }} {% endblock %} {% block billing_information %} {{ billing_information }} {% endblock %}
{{ 'Payment Method'|t }}
{% block payment_method %} {{ payment_method }} {% endblock %}
{% endif %}

{{ 'Subtotal: @subtotal'|t({'@subtotal': totals.subtotal|commerce_price_format}) }}

{{ adjustment.label }}: {{ adjustment.total|commerce_price_format }}

{{ 'Order Total: @total'|t({'@total': order_entity.getTotalPrice|commerce_price_format}) }}